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PIPEDA Fair Information Principle 6 – Accuracy

Your responsibility

  • Minimize the possibility of using incorrect information when making a decision about an individual or when disclosing information to third parties.

How to fulfill this responsibility

  • Keep personal information as accurate, complete and up to date as necessary, taking into account its use and the interests of the individual.
  • Establish policies that govern what types of information need to be updated.


  • One way to determine whether information needs to be updated is to ask yourself whether using or disclosing out-of-date or incomplete information could potentially have an adverse impact on the individual
  • Apply the following checklist for accuracy:
    • List the specific items of personal information you need to provide a service.
    • List where all related personal information can be found.
    • Record the date when the personal information was obtained or updated.
    • Record the steps taken to verify the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information. This may require reviewing your records or communicating with your customer.
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